
We show you what data you're missing.

You want certainty and confidence in your analytics and marketing setup. Our tools show you what impact content blockers are having on your site.

Avg. 4.8 star rating
1000 sites tracked

“I didn't realise we were missing over 25% of our data!”

Sam (Head of Marketing)

See the full picture.

Monitor your site for updates with our frequent reports that show where your funnel is leaking. We analyse every visitor and check whether they're using content blockers against your site. Having this data is vital for understanding your business, without it you're not seeing the full picture.

“TrueSignal helped us answer some really tricky questions, optimise our spend and feel more confident presenting numbers to the board.”

Feature Review

Tammy (Director of Digital Marketing)

See the full picture

Take back control.

Instead of being blacklisted by the 'Ad Blocker' gatekeepers, we give you the power to react to your users privacy preferences. Our super fast, highly optimized one line of code loads no matter what browser or content blocker your user is using... and it's incredibly easy to setup.

“Nearly all our marketing tools get blocked these days. TrueSignal helped us see where data was slipping through the cracks. Game changer.”

Feature Review

Callum (Product Lead)

Take back control

Easy setup.

Our service audits your site to see what scripts are being blocked. Next up one of our dedicated account managers will work with you or your tech team to install our script. It only takes about 5 minutes then you can sit back, relaxing and knowing you've now got full visibility of your data.

“From start to finish our account manager Adam was super helpful. He had us up and running in no time!”

Feature Review

Jess (Demand Generation Manager)

Easy setup

"My team came to me with essential data that we'd been missing. It's had a profound impact on how we use our analytics, segment our customers and optimise our marketing spend."

(VP of Marketing)


How much does it cost?

Your first 30 days are free then it's $199 per month. Your plan comes with a dedicated account manager and we have discounts for annual billing.

Who is TrueSignal for?

Built for high performance marketing and tech teams that deeply care about their data and products. TrueSignal is the pulse check for your site and gives you confidence in your data.

What makes TrueSignal different?

Our scripts load no matter the weather (or content blocker). This gives you the distinct advantage of being able to accurately understand your analytics without missing up to 30% of the data.

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Join hundreds of forward thinking marketers and stop making the wrong business calls. Try us free for 30 days.

“True Signal is an indispensable piece of our marketing toolkit.” - Drew Slater